Training and testing computer vision models can be a time-consuming and resource-intensive process due to its challenges:
  • Lack of data
  • Underrepresentation of corner cases
  • Insufficient robustness and accuracy of models
  • Human errors in labeling
  • Undefined ground truth
  • RGBD camera depth layer labeling
  • Time and resources to collect the dataset
  • Organizational barriers to install cameras at the initial stages
  • Going all over again if camera or lighting setup changes
To overcome this challenge, synthetic data generation offers a cost-effective solution by creating artificially generated data that mimics the real world, enabling the training of accurate and robust computer vision models. Our synthetic data generation service at Data Monsters utilizes advanced techniques and tools, such as NVIDIA Omniverse Replicator, to generate high-quality synthetic data in large quantities. This allows you to build more accurate and reliable computer vision models without the challenges and limitations of real-world data collection.
Our team at Data Monsters consists of 3D artists, engineers, and data scientists who use your photos, images, process descriptions, and CAD models as input to create the synthetic data.
We also train, test, and optimize the models using our own GPU clusters.
In the end, we provide you with the necessary volumes of perfectly labeled data and pre-trained computer vision models that are ready for integration into your products and pipelines.
We will help you:
Analyze the use case and accuracy targets
Design the model and pipeline architecture
Define the required volume and variability of data
Create 3D scenes and randomize them
Render the data in necessary quantities with target variability using our GPU facilities
Train and test the models
Assess the results and design fine-tuning approach
Optimize the models for GPU inference with TensorRT
Configure and deploy DeepStream pipelines (video processing & Gstreamer)
Optimize performance (increase FPS) and accuracy (resolve edge cases)
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What is Synthetic Data Generation?

Synthetic data for computer vision systems is created using advanced techniques and tools, such as 3D rendering and image manipulation software, to mimic real-world data.
Synthetic data can be used to augment, supplement, or substitute real data sets and is particularly useful when real data is limited or when it is important to evaluate the model's performance under a wide range of conditions.
There are several benefits to using synthetic data for training and testing computer vision models:
  • Large quantities of data: Synthetic data can be created in large quantities, making it a useful option when real data is scarce or difficult to obtain.
  • Wide range of scenarios and conditions: Synthetic data can be easily controlled and varied to cover a wide range of scenarios and conditions, making it a useful tool for testing a model's performance under different conditions.
  • Specific features and annotations: Synthetic data can be created with specific features or annotations, such as object bounding boxes or segmentation masks, which can be used to train and evaluate object detection or segmentation models.
  • Improving generalization capabilities: Synthetic data can be used to augment real data sets, helping to improve the generalization capabilities of the model and reduce overfitting.
  • Cost-effective: Synthetic data can be generated quickly and efficiently, making it a cost-effective alternative to real-world data collection.
  • No human error: Synthetic data is free from human error in labeling, which can be a common issue with real data sets.
  • Flexible and scalable: Synthetic data can be easily modified to reflect changes in camera or lighting setups, making it a more flexible and scalable solution for training and testing computer vision models.
  • Testing extreme or unusual conditions: Synthetic data can be used to test the performance of a model in extreme or unusual conditions, helping to identify and address any weaknesses or limitations in the model.
Most popular NVIDIA Metropolis applications
Self-driving cars
Industrial computer vision
Smart cities

WHY you should choose Data Monsters for Synthetic Data generation

Why Choose Data Monsters for Synthetic Data Generation:
Experienced team
Our team includes experienced 3D artists, engineers, and data scientists who have the knowledge and expertise to generate high-quality synthetic data for a wide range of applications.
Great tools
We use advanced tools and techniques, including NVIDIA Omniverse, to generate synthetic data that is realistic and representative of real-world conditions.
Library of assets
We have a library of assets that we can use to generate synthetic data quickly and efficiently, while also ensuring the quality and accuracy of the data.
Mature process
We have a mature process for generating synthetic data, which allows us to deliver high-quality data in a timely manner.
We have access to powerful hardware, including GPU servers, which enables us to generate large quantities of synthetic data in a short amount of time.
Price-performance ratio
Our synthetic data generation services offer an excellent price-performance ratio, making it a cost-effective solution for training and testing computer vision models.
Case with torque seal visual inspections (identifying if the bolt marker is intact or broken):

Note that the app is running in real-time at a high speed on an isolated Siemens IPC520A TensorBox (not connected to the internet). In the last part of the video, you can see how the system performs with exceptionally quick movements of the object.

Data Monsters
is your best NVIDIA GPU-based Computer Vision implementation partner

data monsters logo
Data Monsters, a Palo Alto-based AI consulting company, is an NVIDIA Elite Partner who helps funded startups and enterprise R&D teams design and implement Computer vision software and hardware solutions and products on NVIDIA GPUs. With our 15 years in AI, hundreds of completed projects, and Elite NVIDIA expertise, we are ready to become your trusted development team and accelerate releases of your AI product.
Data Monsters NVIDIA Elite Partner
As an Elite Partner, Data Monsters has early and extended access to NVIDIA Computer vision frameworks: Metropolis, DeepStream, Triton, TAO, and others. We have the right hardware and software components to experiment with the latest NVIDIA frameworks several months before official public release. Our direct connection with the development team at NVIDIA helps to follow the best deployment practices, optimize configuration settings, calibrate deployed pipelines, and adapt real-time streaming to different GPU chips.
NVIDIA OMNIVERSE REPLICATOR is a software that requires special knowledge to deploy, set, and use. Your team may be spending too much time on experimentation and adaptation. Data Monsters can help you to accelerate your success.
Services we provide:
Analyze the use case and accuracy targets
We start by analyzing your specific use case and the target accuracy you need to achieve. This helps us understand the nuances of your data and how it needs to be generated.
Design the model and pipeline architecture
We can help you design the pipeline and choose the models that provide the best accuracy and performance for your individual case.
Define the required volume and variability of data
Based on your use case, architecture, and target accuracy, we determine the target volume and variability of the data that is required.
Create 3D scenes and randomize them
We build necessary 3D scenes based on your images and specifications, using CAD models if available or building the scene from scratch. We then introduce randomization factors such as variable lighting, camera position, object positions, textures, materials, and backgrounds to ensure that the data is representative of real-world conditions.
Render the data in necessary quantities with target variability
Using our GPU servers, we generate the synthetic data quickly and efficiently, ensuring that we can control the process and produce the data in the required quantities and with the desired variability.
Train and test the models
We can either provide you with the synthetic data or train and test the models using the data, providing you with turn-key models that are ready for integration into your product or solution.
Assess the results and design fine-tuning approach
If additional training is needed, we provide recommendations on how to fine-tune the models using real data or additional augmentations.
Optimize the models for GPU inference with TensorRT
TensorRT optimizes deep learning models for efficient deployment by optimizing their inference performance. Using TensorRT can significantly improve model performance, making it suitable for production environments.
Configure and deploy DeepStream pipelines
We can help you set up and optimize a stream processing system for deep learning applications, including designing the pipeline architecture, integrating components, and optimizing the pipeline for performance and scalability.
Optimize performance and accuracy
We work to optimize the performance and accuracy of your computer vision models by fine-tuning model hyperparameters, adjusting the architecture of the model, and using techniques such as quantization or pruning to make the model more efficient. We also address edge cases where the model performs poorly by analyzing and generating more data to improve the model's generalization capabilities or developing custom solutions for specific edge cases.
Don't go it alone - this work can take months of tinkering. Data Monsters has the relevant experience to help you design the system and accelerate your product releases.

Use Cases

Food processing packaging line defect detection
Battery X-ray scans for quality inspection
Label verification on food processing line
Semiconductor wafer defect detection
Adhesive application inspection
Crimp force
Welding quality inspection
Automotive Parts installation inspection
Palletizer anomalies detection
Packaging process inspection and measurement
3D face recognition for access control
Manual assembly verification
Busy and idle time monitoring
Food processing sanitary inspections
Weighing and measurement system with 3d computer vision

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