Build and deploy fully customizable multilingual speech and translation AI applications

NVIDIA RIVA is now available for purchase from Data Monsters

Learn key features of Riva that help you build speech and translation AI services


Need help with NVIDIA Riva-based development?

Data Monsters is your best choice
Data Monsters, an AI consulting company, is an NVIDIA Elite Partner who helps funded startups and enterprise R&D teams design and implement NVIDIA Riva-based software and hardware solutions and products. With over 15 years in AI, hundreds of completed projects, and our Elite NVIDIA expertise, we are ready to become your trusted development team and accelerate the release of your AI product.
We will help you:
Create speech-enabled product prototypes and production-ready solutions
Train Riva to recognize domain-specific lingo
Configure and deploy Riva for offline and real-time speech recognition
Synthesize natural-sounding and expressive custom voices
Optimize performance and accuracy
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What is NVIDIA Riva?

NVIDIA Riva is a GPU-accelerated SDK for building state-of-the-art Speech AI applications that are customized for your use case and deliver real-time performance.
Try and Download NVIDIA Riva >
Most popular NVIDIA Riva applications
Riva for Call centers and Customer Service
Riva for smart devices and self-service kiosks
Riva for
Riva for enterprise document processing
Riva for media and marketing

Why Riva is the best Speech technology

for your future product

State-of-the-Art AI
Built on a decade of AI innovations by NVIDIA across hardware, model architectures, training techniques, inference optimizations, and deployment solutions.
Fully Customizable
Flexibility at every step, from modifying model architectures to fine-tuning models on your data and customizing pipelines, as well as the ability to deploy on any platform.
Leading Performance
Continuous optimizations across the entire stack, from models to software to hardware, deliver 12X the gain versus the previous generation.
NVIDIA Riva at GPU Technology Conference Keynote


NVIDIA announced Riva 2.8.1 in general availability
NVIDIA GTC highlights include:
  • Added support for two more languages, now the full list is: English, Spanish, German, French, Mandarin, Hindi, Russian, English, Korean, Brazilian-Portuguese, Japanese, Italian.
  • Improved streaming accuracy with Conformer CTC.
  • Word/profanity filter.
  • Neural-based text to speech, generating high-quality, human-like voices.
  • Lowcode AI custom voice creation with 30-minute voice input and adjustable voice pitch, volume, and pause output.
  • Compact and simple model with multiple synthetic voices available at inference time.
  • ASR in 7 languages and 2 pre-built female and male English TTS voices.
  • Real-time performance with latency of less than 100 ms.
  • Compatible with NVIDIA Jetson AGX Xavier, Jetson Xavier NX, Jetson AGX Orin and Jetson Orin NX.

Data Monsters
is your best NVIDIA Riva implementation partner

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Data Monsters, a Palo Alto-based AI consulting company, is an NVIDIA Elite Partner who helps funded startups and enterprise R&D teams design and implement NVIDIA Riva-based software and hardware solutions and products. With our 15 years in AI, hundreds of completed projects, and Elite NVIDIA expertise, we are ready to become your trusted development team and accelerate releases of your AI product.
Data Monsters NVIDIA Elite Partner
As an Elite Partner, Data Monsters has early and extended access to NVIDIA Riva technology. We have the right hardware and software component to experiment with the latest Riva modules several months before the official public release. Our direct connection with the Riva development team at NVIDIA helps to follow the best deployment practices, optimize configuration settings, calibrate the deployed pipelines, and adapt real-time streaming to different GPU chips.
NVIDIA Riva development requires a little bit of magic. It's a new and constantly evolving technology. Your team may spend too much time on experimentation and adaptation. It's a good idea to hire Data Monsters and accelerate your release cycles.
Creating prototypes/MVPs of speech systems. If you have an idea of a product that requires speech recognition or text processing, a chatbot, an RPA tool, an intelligent kiosk, a document processing app, we have a lot of pre-built components that can accelerate your development.
Developing scalable solutions. A real-time voice / text processing product requires perfection at all steps, starting from the right choice of the hardware, GPU-qualified servers, scalable architecture design, data collection and preparation, down to the neural networks training and deployment.
Here are some types of work you may need assistance with:
Voice data labeling and cleansing
Labeled voice data should be very accurate for Riva fine-tuning. Voice transcripts must have an exact match to the voice files. Every second matters, otherwise fine-tuning is prone to errors.
Converting to the required formats and manifests
In order to work with Riva the data should have LPCM encoding and channel splitting, with silence blocks removed. Text should be normalized, and common contractions and interjections handled.
Custom language model training
When creating custom voice processing, you need to create vocabularies for your custom domain. General language is usually recognized well out of the box, but special terminology and brand names are always misrecognized. With thousands of special words, you need to create a balanced vocabulary and train the model the right way.
Acoustic model fine-tuning
After preparing the acoustic transcriptions of in-domain terms, with the list of common misspellings, you need to run fine-tuning and evaluation using NeMo and TAO.
Building the ASR model using Riva Service Maker
Your acoustic model, language model and lexicon should be optimized for streaming or online usage through finding optimal VAD and adjusting Riva-build parameters.
Deploying the streaming models on a Triton server
Riva deployment is a multi-step process which has many aspects, including the types of server GPUs. Triton inference servers are able to serve both Riva and non-Riva ASR models for particular languages.
Performance testing and optimization
After deployment, the system should be monitored and optimized to improve throughput, reduce latency, and memory usage.
Don't go it alone - this work can take months of tinkering. Data Monsters has the relevant experience to help you design the system and accelerate your product releases.

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Use Cases

Financial Memorandum Processing
Tech Support
Startup Incubator Chatbot
Topic Modeling for a Nationwide TV Channel
Contact Center Conversation Analysis
Semantic Search in Equipment Tutorials
Fact Extraction From PDFs And Text
Investment Virtual Assistant for a Bank
Jobs and Resumes Recommendation Engine
Automated Report Generation
Media Content
Warranty Analytics for Service, Insurance, and Manufacturing Companies
Clinical Decision